Friday, 2 August 2013

Manually Install APK file into Android Emulator

Hai guys following steps will help you to install APK file into Android Emulator

Step 1:
Start Emulator from ADT

Step 2:
Paste your apk file into platform tools folder of your downloaded SDK.

Step 3:
open Command Prompt and Move to Platform tools folder location.

Step 4:
type following lines in Command Prompt

adb install [apk file name]

for example

adb install helloworld.apk

Now you have successfully installed your apk file into Emulator..

Thanks for Your Visit

Regards with..

Get Phone Number From Android

Hai guys after big gap again i am going to start my blogging..
Really i faced big problem with Phone number picking method in android. finally i came to its not possible.
because most of the network service provider will not store phone number in the SIM card.

if they stored number in Sim card  the following code will work..

TelephonyManager tm=(TelephonyManager)getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);

If you need any of the unique number from Sim means you may use Sim serial number..
The following code will guide you get Sim Serial Number

TelephonyManager tm=(TelephonyManager)getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String sim=String.valueOf(tm.getSimSerialNumber());

Another Method to retrieve phone number is we can get Phone number from Message Sent Items..
But its also not sure to get correct number..