Hai guys following steps will help you to install APK file into Android Emulator
Step 1:
Start Emulator from ADT
Step 2:
Paste your apk file into platform tools folder of your downloaded SDK.
Step 3:
open Command Prompt and Move to Platform tools folder location.
Step 4:
type following lines in Command Prompt
adb install [apk file name]
for example
adb install helloworld.apk
Now you have successfully installed your apk file into Emulator..
Thanks for Your Visit
Regards with..
Step 1:
Start Emulator from ADT
Step 2:
Paste your apk file into platform tools folder of your downloaded SDK.
Step 3:
open Command Prompt and Move to Platform tools folder location.
Step 4:
type following lines in Command Prompt
adb install [apk file name]
for example
adb install helloworld.apk
Now you have successfully installed your apk file into Emulator..
Thanks for Your Visit
Regards with..